My name is Daniel Kavanagh and I'm an enthusiastic, detail-oriented DevOps / software engineer living in Bellingham, Washington.
Ever since I was little I've loved building things and have had a fascination with the intricacies of how technology works. It all started with years of constructing random contraptions out of Lego, and when I was introduced to computers, that same need to tear it all apart and build something new never left. I began looking at the code for my favorite video games and started changing values around. When I successfully increased my character's health by 1000% for the first time, I knew programming was going to be something I would love to do (and I was so right!).
Today, I'm a full-time Linux user and DevOps engineer / SRE (with copious Windows experience) who enjoys nothing more than solving the puzzles of programming, building cool apps, and automating everything. Check out my Gitlab for some awesome projects!